Tenessa Audette's family candidate for California State Assembly

Meet Tenessa

“A strength of being in State Assembly is the opportunity to bring the brightest people, organizations, and solutions to the table to solve problems and bring innovation.”

Tenessa Audette

Hi, I’m Tenessa

I am a Solutionary who brings wisdom, knowledge, experience and skill to bear on pressing and entrenched challenges in an effort to create positive change in our communities.

I am a wife, mom of three, California native, and Mayor of the City of Redding. My experience in local and state government and my commitment to protect our God given rights is what matters most and why I am stepping up to run for State Assembly.

As a lifelong Conservative I have seen many political changes happen in California but none as extreme as what we have experienced in the last decade.

We all say we want someone to fight for us but what we really want is someone that will win for us. As your State Assemblywoman I will make the argument, find the solution and tenaciously pursue the win.

California was forged in the frontier of possibility, beckoning all to come, work hard and prosper. My own great grandparents came from Italy and arrived at Ellis Island. With eight children, my grandmother and her seven siblings, they made their way to California to start a new life.

I carry her legacy of hope, grit and trust that California is worth risking it all to build the American Dream.

My Background

I have a bachelor's degree in Political Science from Sonoma State University.

I began my own business, Called to Action Consulting, Inc, and over the last nine years have managed campaigns for City Council, County Supervisor, District Attorney, Congressional, Assembly, and Governor races.

I have worked for the last five years in the California Legislature as a District Representative for the State Senate 1st District. This position has given me the opportunity to connect citizens to resources and the ability to navigate complex governmental agencies.

I am a graduate of Leadership Redding, and served on the Steering Committee, organizing the Government program for the last five years.

I also served as Data Chair on the Shasta County Republican Central Committee and was a delegate for the CAGOP.

I have a passion for education and volunteer to teach constitutional principles and civics as an elective for Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

I am currently the Mayor of the City of Redding. My liaison assignments include Police, Planning Department, Economic Development, Shasta Regional Transportation Agency, League of Cities Members, and the California Council of Governments (CALCOG) Board of Directors.

My Professional Experience:

  • Mayor of Redding

  • District Representative, State Senate 

  • Political Consultant and Campaign Manager

  • Certified RNC Campaign Manager 

  • Marian Bergeson Excellence in Public Service Graduate

  • Republican Central Committee Data Chair 

  • Delegate for the CA GOP

  • Leadership Redding Steering Committee

  • Adjunct Instructor at BSSM Teaching God and Government

  • Swarm Team Marketing for DeWalt Power Tools

  • Redding Rotary Member

  • Republican Women’s Federated Member

My Values

Connected & Responsive

I thrive on connecting with all types of people, and have a high value for those in government being responsive to the people they represent. Our District has overcome many challenges by coming together and working to restore and rebuild. I aim to always be accessible as I seek to understand the views, needs and concerns of our communities. As it is often said, we measure success by showing up. My posture will be to respond, show up, build relationships and address your concerns and issues.

Disciplined Conservative

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” - Milton Friedman. We must get back to the principles of free enterprise and free markets. The government is instituted to protect its people and there is room for regulation but CA has more laws, fees, and regulatory hoops than any state in the Union, by double. At what cost? The cost to business, education, and hope has reached its tipping point. As a solutionary I will bring wisdom, knowledge, experience and skill to bear on pressing and entrenched challenges in an effort to create positive change in Sacramento. I have a vision for our state, and I plan to aim my strategic thinking, go-getter, win-win, can-do work ethic at achieving my goals of bringing conservatism and leadership to the Capitol.

Empowering People

Knowledge is power and the power is with the people; and as Jefferson said, “A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.” I value service, leadership, and integrity and will be the voice of the people to the government and the voice of the government to the people to bring accountability, empowerment, and leadership. Voting has declined in our state and many have lost hope in our elections. Too many don’t believe that the government will keep us safe, we fear the interference in the markets will force us out of business, and that our children are not safe in public schools. According to the CA Govt Code 100 (a) The sovereignty of the state resides in the PEOPLE! It’s time to take our power back. I will keep you informed, engaged and empowered in your state legislature.